Monday, November 4, 2013

God is Good

I was sure that I would beat the odds; I wouldn’t be a statistic. I was sure that my hard work and dedication would pay off. Surely, the race I was running, I would finish. Four words changed all of that:

“Your divorce is final.”

Today is a day I thought I would never have to face. It just wouldn’t be me. I once looked at friends and acquaintances that were going through a divorce and think to myself “Why can’t they just work it out?” If you love someone that is what you do. God hates divorce. You just work it out.

I am here to tell you that there are times when it can’t be worked out. “Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them; but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight. When we do the best we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another.” (Helen Keller)

That is the devotion on my calendar for November 4, 2013. November 4th, the day my divorce is final.

God is good. He is here with me and proves this to me. He speaks to me through the kindness of others and today, through a calendar. The negative voices in my head the past 7 months telling me that maybe I could have tried one more thing or read one more book or sought just one more counseling session have ceased to exist. They have ceased because the negative words people have spoken to me were replaced with positive words from the mouths of my loved ones. The public snubbing I have experienced has been replaced with tears, hugs and words of encouragement from my church family. The doubts in my head concerning my finances and well-being have been replaced by kind strangers giving gift cards, money and little notes of encouragement.

Maybe this dream I had didn’t come true. Maybe I am a failure to an extent. Maybe I hid from the lies for many years out of pride. But I doubt all of that. Maybe the dream I had has been given a second chance. Maybe I am not a failure, but a fighter. Maybe I stopped the lies and walked into the truth.

Only God and I know that. God is good. He is full of grace and mercy. I will find the path before me full of happiness, second chances, and forgiveness. I will experience the opinions of others and the judgmental stares from time to time and I know this. But I have learned one thing this year and it is this: No matter what others say to me or what the voices in my head tell me, I am loved; if by no one else other than God. And for me, that must be enough. It is enough.

P.S. I am thankful to say that the one thing I can be thankful for during this time is the love my ex-husband and I have shown towards one another and the grace and forgiveness we have both extended. We continue to have a relationship that works for us. It is not others relationship, it may not be understood by some. However, I would rather have him in my life as my friend than not at all. And I am beyond grateful that this process was filled with compassion and love instead of anger and bitterness.